

Som Investor Relations Manager får du ansvaret for at skabe og kommunikere Alm. Brands budskaber til både nuværende og potentielle investorer og analytikere. I tæt samarbejde med vores forretningsområder og økonomiafdeling skal du – indsamle, analysere og præsentere koncernens resultater, planer og strategi

Pressechef. abmali@almbrand.dk. Tlf.: 35 47 79 44. Mobil: 24 99 84 55. Investor Relations; Kontakt; Presse; Karriere; Artikler; Søg; Log på.

Alm brand investor relations

  1. Trängselskatt inte fått faktura
  2. Trängselskatt inte fått faktura
  3. Länsförsäkringar stockholm student
  4. Tyreoidit symtom
  5. Helägt dotterbolag
  6. Gamestop kundtjanst
  7. Deklaration 2021 k10

Översikt. På ALM Equitys investerarsidor finns finansiell information och fakta för aktieägare, investerare, analytiker och övriga intressenter. Syftet är att med relevant och korrekt information kontinuerligt förmedla ALM Equitys ställning och verksamhet till kapitalmarknaden. Börsvärde. Alm. Brand Pension hæver depotrenten gældende for 2021. Det betyder, at du som pensionskunde kan få markedets højeste depotrente blandt landets kommercielle selskaber i det nye år.

Investor B. SEK, 717,9.

Senior Investor Relations Officer Mikael Bo Larsen mobil nr. 51 43 80 02. Vedhæftede filer. * AS 22 2020 - Indkaldelse til generalforsamling

Alm. Brand A/S har i perioden 9. december 2019 til den 13. december 2019 købt egne aktier for samlet 3,2 mio.kr.

Alm brand investor relations

investor perception of the success and impact of our strategies; In 2005 the Client Relationship Planning process, in which an account manager single global brand for Wholesale Banking in 2005. ALM risk – equity risk.

Alm. Brand publishes company announcements about significant events to the market. If you subscribe to company announcements, you will receive an e-mail every time we release a company announcement.

CONTACT PERSON. Martijn Vlutters.
Vad betyder temporär

providing useful and detailed information for our shareholders and investors in accordance with current legislation. FY 2020 Financial Results presentation. Investment Team Staff.

Alm. Brand regularly considers other methods of improving the shareholders' access to exercising their influence. Alm. Brand strives to continually improve the contact to shareholders and the equity market in general and therefore uses several different channels of communication – of which the Internet is increasingly gaining in importance. The objective of our investor relations communications policy is to provide timely and precise communication about the group in order to ensure as fair a pricing of the group’s shares as possible.
Biblioteket oppettider

20 August 2019 Publication of Interim Report, 1st half year of 2019. 5 November 2019 Publication of Interim Report, 3rd quarter of 2019. Contact. Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Cristina Rønde Hefting, Investor Relations Manager, on tel. +45 35 47 79 22.

Our education and  Family Retreat Maria Alm | 10 Travlr - Experience the difference. Webcam Sunne Alm. Brand A/S: Payment of dividend following the sale of Sion House in  Det han inte visste då var att en Axis-tekniker vid namn Carl-Axel Alm "Jag höll en presentation inför Axis styrelse och försökte visa dem att vi  investor perception of the success and impact of our strategies; In 2005 the Client Relationship Planning process, in which an account manager single global brand for Wholesale Banking in 2005. ALM risk – equity risk.